Mission Statement

Climate change is upon us and nobody with any clout seems to be doing anything. Nation states talk and promise and declare emergencys’ but their hands are tied by banks and big corporations. All the mechanisms in place (voting,protesting,petitioning) are failing to protect the earth , its environment and the creatures on it (including us humans) from extinction. Only people power has ever made real change .It is time to mobilize the enormous untapped potential strength of our large yoga family. There is now more people on earth practicing yoga than any other time in history. This is the secret weapon that’s been waiting for 3000 yrs until the very crisis that we face today. It is no coincidence that people like yourselves that have been drawn to yoga for fitness ,to get in shape or just to socialize
just happen to have in common an acute passion and love for animals and the environment. Yogis and yoginis tend to advocate love and compassion , be mindful and non violent. That is why our army is going to be armed with love and use non violent resistance.Organizing locally ,networking and mobilizing our yoga troops for environmental action in our own communities , raising awareness to give the wider community an example of how we need to change the world.

Our mission is to protect all living things

  • We pledge to devote our life or a part of it to protecting and defending all living things on mother earth
  • We will not wait for governments, NGO’s, or anyone to do this work. We will organize and mobilize our own posse of yogis and act autonomously as our own personal yogarmy unit.(or join a local one)
  • We proclaim non- violence and will not partake in any form of aggression or hate crime. We fight this fight with the weapons of LOVE, TOLERANCE ,COMPASSION and KNOWLEDGE-and leading by example
  • We pledge to incorporate the 8 rungs of Ashtanga into our daily lives wherever we can and use this philosophy to fight global warming
  • We strive to reduce our carbon footprint at work and in the home
  • We will take action and stand up to climate deniers and corporate polluters wherever they may be even if it is only on a small personel level and in a local situation
  • As a soldier in the Yogarmy I swear to be a role model for environmental justice and a defender of plants and animals



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