Join the ranks of Virabhadrassanas around the world committed

to doing the work needed to save the planet.

Together ,working locally, we can make the difference

Yogarmy has been mobilized to defend the ecosystem and all living flora and fauna on this beautiful planet we share. We are 100% non-violent, gandhian-pacifists.

 YOU  have been chosen by Mother Earth ! Yes  YOU !

Since birth you always wondered; ” why am I here `” there must be something other than hoarding material stuff and amassing a saving account , buying a house and car so you can get to a job that’s making someone else rich ???”  Well you were right all along, you do have a greater goal in life and that is to save the world, yes like wonder woman, but not so daunting because you will be thinking global and acting local. Your yoga practice up until now, hobby, exercise, teaching, socialising, recovering, physio, health,  Ayurveda, meditation or just getting in shape to fit into that swimsuit is of no matter now. What is real if you look behind that curtain of illusion is:

*  our planet is dying

*  The amount of people on the planet that identify with being a yogi or yogini and practice some form of yoga – has reached 20 million.

* You are one of these people

* You deep down know that the army of yogis has been created to defend the attack on earth, and you are a chosen soldier in this movement

You are probably already aware that Yoga is a philosophy, an instruction manual on self realisation, a method to balance your mind and body so that one can raise your consciousness and awareness and get closer to a higher power   (and being 100% secular it doesn’t matter what religion you belong to or even if you are atheist )    . You may have done a teacher training or workshops and heard of ‘seva ‘or ‘doing service ‘. This is a very important tenant of yoga and is widely overlooked in the studios of today . No matter which style you are interested in from yin to pilates to acro yoga , they all have roots in the 3000 yr old yoga sutras ,the Vedas and Bagavagita scriptures . What the majority of us practice today is  Asanas -postures , Pranayamas -breathing, and Dhyana meditation  . Many classes only do asannas, the postures and nothing else , which is like buying a new bike but just wearing the bike shorts  and helmet , not actually riding it or reaching any destination.

There are 8 steps, only doing a few steps is good for your health and does make you look great , but…… is your duty as a yogi (non-gender specific) to protect all defenseless living beings . animals and plants. To practice karma yoga, giving and helping others selflessly, practice seva  daily, (this is your yogarmy work).

Yogarmy is non profit and there is no mechanism to make money here, it is all to save the planet from climate catastrophe

I don’t mean to convince anybody into believing anything I say , please google like crazy to research this!!!

Here’s some easy links to start off your own research:

“Yogic alias Yogevic Environmentalism is the most effective, simple and best adopted kibbutz model method to observe for the Environmental protection in cities. In this method every human being must work whole-heartedly and wilfully act as Environmental Yogi for the sake of a healthy environment. “



“Yoga is grounded in an understanding of interconnection and developed in the context of a closed relationship with the earth and cosmos and a profound reverence for animals, plants, soil, and water and air. Specially in Hinduism, the concept of yoga initiated before the patanjali rishi,it goes back to Hindu Veda period but after the patanjali contribution yoga become as popular through the patanjali’s yoga sutra was compiled around 400 BC. The grate treaties of yoga have eight major components such as yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, Samadhi. That is why the yoga is called as ‘ashtanga yoga’. “eight components of yoga are external discipline, internal discipline, posture, breath regulation, Concentration, meditative absorption, and integration” Chip Hartranft (2003). In those eights components yama and niyama are very much relevant for pursuing the environmental conservation. “

This is lifted from a very in depth essay , a great read ;


These excerpts are  taken from one of the oldest manuscripts that refer to yoga in its purest form, from the Bhagavadita BC400

 3.20: King Janaka and others attained perfection of self-realization by selfless service (Karma-Yoga) alone. You should also perform your duty with a view to guiding people, and for the welfare of the society.

3.21: Because whatever noble persons do, others follow. Whatever standard they set up, the world follows.

3.23-24: Because, if I do not engage in Action relentlessly, O Arjuna, people would follow my path in everyway. These worlds would perish if I do not work, and I shall be the cause of confusion and destruction of all these people.

For more ;

I am certain you have this calling in your life. This is the reason you are a Yogi , there is no doubt the eco-systems and creatures of earth are in dire straights right now and NEED your help.

There is so much info on this available online to fact check,

reassure yourself that its all true.

You are exactly the kind of person that cares about nature, loves animals,

is concerned our government leaders and institutions are not dealing with climate change,

and recognizes the world needs saving.

It actually needs an army. All working towards saving the environment, a large scale non violent mobilization. All fighting our own, local and peaceful green actions all over the world.

So after you have googled all this and see your new role on earth as a Shambala Virabhadrassana with a mission to save mother Gaia and the innocent animals , its time to


create your own yogarmy facebook page, or instagram account for your local area or join an established yogarmy group near you.

give it a unique name like eg,   NewcastleYogarmy or InnerwestbikramYogarmy   or YogarmyBondibeach.

Then fill out the form below with your yogarmy facebook page name and a postal address for us to send you materials.

Then get to work yogi! Put aside some time in your day just for mother earth and all its animals.

and think up some form of environmental care or restoration   or protest, action, anything to do with the good fight for Gaya     . make an event, advertise and invite other yogis’ to help clean the beach or make a community garden, join another cause like NO D.A.P.L or NO ADANI COAL MINE or Extinction Rebellion. Get involved with your local municipality and lobby for green policy. Its up to you to take action. Yogarmy is an idea for you to take and use in total autonomy. We only give you the message- its up to you to decide what to do. You can do it ! And if enough of us get with it we will make an impact and encourage others by being role models. By joining the Yogarmy  you are already making a statement and how much or how little energy and effort you put into it is up to you. Filling your Yogarmy Facebook page with environmental memes is a way you can raise awareness directly from your smart device. With minimal effort.

Tell the people you love and the people you practice with, network !

 Now you are graduating from your mat to the next step of being a true Yogi.

Get out there and let people know you are taking climate change seriously and lead the way in actually doing something pro active about it.

The author of the Yoga Suttras ,Sage  Patanjali, would be very proud to see his flock of Yogis stepping up to their potential and actual self realization of purpose and being, and getting with the program of helping our beautiful planet in these times of eco destruction.

To enlist in the YogArmy is simple,

1.Create a face book page Yogarmy________ , and an identifying word-like your town or yoga studio or club or family name,eg Yogarmy Sydney

2. fill out the form below to receive your dog tags and YogArmy kit , to get you on your way to saving the environment and fullfilling your destiny on earth.

Gaia is eternally grateful for you stepping up to the defense of  all living things


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