Yogarmy Philly

Yogarmy Philly

Hi I am certified instructor of Astanga with 700 hrs yoga alliance credits up my sleeve. But that dont mean shit to me lol, because I share my knowledge on a gifting economy basis-I ‘aint in this for the money.
Studying the Yoga suttras in Mysore taught me that being a yogi entails much more than doing beautiful assanas. Its a way of living (a constant state of thought and action). Its about being the person you want to be and creating a better world. Actually living in a state of compassion ,love and tolerance with all living things.

Why did I enlist in Yogarmy?

All my life I have felt an unusually strong empathy for others and an affinity to animals and the environment. I didnt take well to the accepted modes of living on earth ie, work, family, house , piket fence and all that. I new I had to spend my life doing something meaningful. I took to yoga after my first class ,it gave me satisfaction in my work but I felt there was more. Yogarmy has solidified my profession and my love of nature and Gaia, and showed me I can integrate yoga philosophy and practice with global climate change activism.

Ive always admired Mahatma Ghandi as a great yogi

His example of living the spirit of being a yogi – practicing assanas and meditation every day – and at the same time devoting his life to helping others and fighting for justice – is what I strive to do .I can use the yoga army peace soldiers to mobilise and organise my community into action and hopefully influence others to do the same.Together we can save this planet in crisis.

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