Anna Head mistress Durumbal Preschool

Anna Head mistress Durumbal Preschool

Anna joined the yoga army to fight the developers and act on her environmental concerns for  the byron shire and northern rivers area where she lives.


she educates young open minds and has incorporated indigenous knowledge into her curriculum . This ancient aboriginal dreamtime knowledge is inherently conservationist. Teaching it too youngsters is a great action of a yogi to perform. A staunch carbon neautralist she was living off grid with solar and collected water and compost toilets back in the 90s so she is a practising yogarmy recruit even though she dosnt practise yoga assanas. She gives meditation instruction to her kids which is the Dyana step of ashtanga. She posts all the environmental rallies info and fb memes about climate change on her Yogarmy Mullumbimby  face book page and in her Instagram story etc and  messages the people in her fb group

Yogarmy Mullumbimby Squadron

Going to the kids Climate Strike with my yogarmy girlfriends in support of the future generations

Secret ninja action with the Yogarmy Mullum Squad letting down tyres and pouring pigs blood over the cars of the Adani carpark cars when the conference is here in Balina

Environmental activist troublemakers make confused statement on mining officials vehicles

A group calling themselves The Mullumbimby Yoga Army claimed responsibility for the reckless vandalism and is expected to pay for damages to property



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